Information for clients and stakeholders
This section includes information to assist industry and First Nations including information on our business units, electronic services, forms, information letters, policies, our business contact list, and steps in the business cycle.
Accessibility Plan at Indigenous Services Canada
Schedule V of the Financial Administration Act applies to IOGC. IOGC is under ISC’s financial structure and is not considered a separate entity in terms of financial reporting in the department. IOGC is included and supported by ISC’s Accessibility Plan and IOGC uses the Plan’s Accessibility feedback process.
Business units
Find out more about our Business Units
Contact list
Find key IOGC contacts
Electronic services
Find out more about how to submit and receive information electronically
Environmental updates
Keep current on new information and requirements
Our forms by Business Unit
Information letters
Keep current on new information and requirements
Learn more about our policies
Steps in the business cycle
Learn more about our processes
Archived: COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 operational updates during 2020-2021